MAC TALENT MANAGEMENT Representative:Monte Farst From:San Diego, Los Angeles, New York Location:San Diego Date:September 25th, 2016 Time:10:00am-12:30pm Category:Act, Commercial, Film, Model, Print, Television, Theatrical, Voice Over
IMTA Representative:Maureen Brown Location:Long Island Date:October 29th, 2016 Time:By Appointment Category:Act, Commercial, Dance, Fashion, Film, Host, Model, Music, Print, Runway, Singing, Song writing, Television, Theatrical, Voice Over
House of Representatives Representative:Indra Clark From:Los Angeles Location:San Diego Date:September 10th, 2016 Time:10:00am-12:30pm Category:Act, Commercial, Film, Model, Print, Television, Theatrical, Voice Over
Mavrick Artists Representative:Brad Diffley From:Los Angeles Location:San Diego Date:October 23rd, 2016 Time:10:00am-12:30pm Category:Act, Commercial, Film, Model, Print, Television, Theatrical, Voice Over
Ingrid French Management Representative:Ingrid French Location:Long Island Date:October 16th, 2016 Time:10:00am-11:00am Category:Act, Commercial, Fashion, Film, Model, Print, Singing, Television, Theatrical, Voice Over
IMTA Representative:Brian Joseph From:International Location:San Diego Date:August 13th, 2016 Time:By Appointment Category:Act, Commercial, Fashion, Film, Model, Print, Singing, Television, Theatrical, Voice Over
Sky Talent Management Representative:Robert Dahey From:Los Angeles / San Diego Location:San Diego Date:August 28th, 2016 Time:10:00am-12:30pm Category:Act, Commercial, Model, Print
Frontier Booking International Representative:Heather Finn Location:Long Island Date:September 25th, 2016 Time:10:00am-11:00am Category:Act, Commercial, Film, Model, Print, Singing, Television, Theatrical, Voice Over
Don Buchwald and Associates Representative:Sheri Talkovsky Location:Long Island Date:September 18th, 2016 Time:10:00am-11:00am Category:Act, Commercial, Film, Print, Television, Theatrical, Voice Over